Parents Eric and Sarah Burns assist their children Lucas (left) and Cameron (right) in opening presents at their first birthday party.
Alex Kipp and Abigail Shier do dishes in Shier's former home. This was the home Shier lived in when the couple started dating, so they returned here for engagement photos.
Evie Uithoven (left) and Carlee Harrington (right) baptize Rylee Eckhardt (middle) in the Gulf of Mexico on a mission trip with His House Christian Church.
Golden fireworks burst over Cinderella's Castle in Disney's Magic Kingdom.
Maddie West (left) and Savannah Schantz (right) give piggy-back rides to two Parker Street Ministries students, an after-school program for kids in a rundown neighborhood in Lakeland, FL.
Turner Sytsma uses kerosene to create a large flame over the water in Lake Isabella, MI.
Lake Geneva Youth Camp counselor Austin Poon rides tubes on Geneva Lake with a camper.
Lake Geneva Youth Camp day camper Lauren rides on the boat on Geneva Lake
Parents Becca (left) and Jakob Derheim (right) watch their one-year-old son, Roland, blow out the candle on his birthday cake.